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Built-in Heart Rate Monitor And Blood Pressure Monitor:

As a cheap watch for work etc, this is great. It shows the time accurately. The battery lasts about a week. Notify when they get a call, tell you which app the notification came from, and give you a line of text, but that's often imprecise and meaningless. I don't know the accuracy of the exercise function or the number of steps because they are never actually counted. The O2 sensor seems to be very accurate. My heart rate monitor is about 12 beats per minute. I don't know how it calculates blood pressure since apparently, it doesn't actually measure it, this is a workaround. All in all, about £20 I can't complain. If it costs more, I'll send it back.

This watch is ok for the price. Be sure to purchase additional tapes for it now. Ripped it off in one fell swoop and needed a bit of temper. In most cases, the app and watch will not sync. I've had this since around Christmas and it no longer vibrates to notify messages. But it vibrates on my morning alarm and when I hit 10,000 steps.

The watch is beautiful, fits well, and is comfortable, but it doesn't text me like all my other watches. I have a Galaxy S10 so I'm not sure what's wrong with this watch. It calls me and Facebook notifications, but no text messages. Not recommended for this reason, except that it works great.

Waterproof and Ip68 Rating:

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More Details: For more information on this protection plan, see the Product Guide and Documentation section. Just click on "User's Guide" for more information. Asurion will also email your plan confirmation and terms and conditions within 24 hours of purchase to the address associated with your Amazon account (if you do not see this email, please check your spam folder ). If you cannot find your program confirmation and terms and conditions, please email us at

Claim Limits and Fees: The total claim limit for all repairs, replacements, and refunds for all claims is $3,000/12 months. If we can't fix it, we'll send an Amazon e-gift card or a replacement device. Claims for products priced at $500 or more will be subject to a $99 service fee.

Perfect for tracking your health and fitness:

I ordered this watch to track my health records. It measures pulse, heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure, steps, sleep, and weather. I like the ability to change the display theme. The watch can also send you notifications for incoming calls, messages, and other app notifications (Facebook, Instagram, email, etc.). There are functions for managing music and pictures. You need to download an app and sync it to your phone, I have an iphone 11 but it works with other phones too. There are clear instructions in the box. Overall very satisfied with the purchase: quality and value for money.

My girlfriend and I received these smartwatches on New Year's Day last year, and as a promise to our health, the experience empowered us. I am so grateful for how much information this watch has provided me that directly affects my daily diet and physical activity choices. I can monitor my heart rate and blood pressure throughout the day and review how my good choices affect my overall health. My girlfriend loves to track her steps throughout the day and she texts me when she hits 8000 steps! When I'm in the middle of the watch or jogging or stretching, it's very convenient to be able to connect the watch to my phone and text my girlfriend from the device on my wrist. We love our smartwatches!

This black smartwatch from Da-Fit is awesome! I love the face design of this watch. It is round and fits my smaller wrist. The tape is very smooth and flexible. It has many fitness features as well as health monitoring. These are easy to scroll and click. I tested the accuracy of the heart rate and blood pressure features and they were accurate. It's fully charged and comes with a very practical charging base that you just put your watch on. Loading the app was easy, and it was great for transferring my information and providing updates and notifications. Overall, this is a great smartwatch. I highly recommend this purchase!

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